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Now the Chat API offers the most accessible and automated messengers Business API on the market with Shared Team Inbox, No-Code Chatbot Builder, ready-to-use apps integrations and other features.
This is a reliable way to introduce more than 2 billion messenger audience to your business or product: customer engagement on messengers made simple.
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The REST API allows you to receive and send messages through your messengers account. Sign up now
Parameters in GET queries pass query string. Parameters in POST requests — through the JSON-encoded request body. The authorization token is always passed to query string (?token=xxxxxx).
The messengers API is based on the messengers WEB protocol and excludes the ban both when using libraries from mgp25 and the like. Despite this, your account can be banned by anti-spam system messengers after several clicking the "block" button.
Business API documentationGet the account status and QR code for authorization. Reauthorization is necessary only in case of changing the device or manually pressing "Logout on all devices" on the phone. Keep the WhastsApp application open during authorization.
init | Initial status |
loading | The system is still loading, try again in 1 minute |
got qr code | There is a QR code and you need to take a picture of it in the messengers application by going to Menu
-> messengers Web -> Add. QR code is valid for one minute.
Example showing base64 images on a page
Manually easier to get QR-code as an image |
authenticated | Authorization passed successfully |
"accountStatus": "got qr code",
"qrCode": "....."
Direct link to QR-code in the form of an image, not base64.
Creates a group and sends the message to the created group. If the host is iPhone, then the presence of all in the contact list is required.
The group will be added to the queue for sending and sooner or later it will be created, even if the phone is disconnected from the Internet or the authorization is not passed.
2 Oct 2018 update: chatId parameter will be returned if group was created on your phone within 20 seconds.
groupName | Group name, string, mandatory. |
phones |
An array of phones starting with the country code. You do not need to add your number.
USA example: ['17472822486']. |
messageText | Message text, string |
"phones": ["17472822486","79680565372"],
"messageText": "Safari is the new IE",
"groupName": "Browsers",
Send a message to a new or existing chat. The message will be added to the queue for sending and delivered even if the phone is disconnected from the Internet or authorization is not passed.
Only one of two parameters is needed to determine the destination - chatId or phone.
phone | Required if chatId is not set |
A phone number starting with the country code. You do not need to add your number.
USA example: 17472822486. |
chatId | Required if phone is not set | Chat ID from the message list. Examples: [email protected] for private messages and [email protected] for the group. Used instead of the phone parameter. |
body | Required | Message text, UTF-8 or UTF-16 string with emoji 🍏 |
"phone": "17472822486",
"body": "Hello, world! 🍏"
"chatId": "[email protected]",
"body": "Hello, world!"
"sent": true,
"message": "ok"
Send a file to a new or existing chat.
Only one of two parameters is needed to determine the destination - chatId or phone.
phone | Required if chatId is not set | The same as POST /sendMessage |
chatId | Required if phone is not set | The same as POST /sendMessage |
body | Required |
HTTP link https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/ru/3/33/NatureCover2001.jpg
Or base64-encoded file with mime data, for example ... File in form-data input field |
filename | Required | File name, for example 1.jpg or hello.xlsx |
caption | Optional | Text under the photo |
"chatId": "[email protected]",
"body": "https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/ru/3/33/NatureCover2001.jpg",
"filename": "cover.jpg"
"phone": "17472822486",
"body": "",
"filename": "4x4pixel.jpg"
"sent": true,
"message": "ok"
Get a list of messages. To receive only new messages, pass the lastMessageNumber parameter from the last query.
Files from messages are guaranteed to be stored only for 30 days and can be deleted. Download the files as soon as you get to your server.
lastMessageNumber | The lastMessageNumber parameter from the last response |
last | Displays the last 100 messages. If this parameter is passed, then lastMessageNumber is ignored. |
// GET /messages?lastMessageNumber=99:
"messages:" [{
//unique id
"id": "[email protected]_DF38E6A25B42CC8CCE57EC40F",
//text message for type "chat" or link to download the file for "ptt", "image", "audio" and "document"
"body": "Ok!",
//type of the message - "chat" - text, "image" - image, "ptt" - voice, "document" - text document, "audio" - audio file, "call_log" - call
"type": "chat",
//Sender name
"senderName": "Ilya",
//true - outgoing, false - incoming
"fromMe": true,
//Author ID of the message, useful for groups
"author": "[email protected]",
//send time, unix timestamp
"time": 1504208593,
//chat ID
"chatId": "[email protected]",
//sequence number of the message in the database
"messageNumber": 100
}, {
"lastMessageNumber": 199 //next query should be /messages?lastMessageNumber=199
Sets the URL for receiving webhook notifications of new messages and message delivery events (ack).
webhookUrl | Http or https URL for receiving notifications. For testing, we recommend using requestb.in. |
"set": true,
"webhookUrl": "https://requestb.in/1f9aj261"
{ // It has the same JSON payload as /messages has
// Sending to POST JSON body
"messages": [{
//unique id
"id": "[email protected]_DF38E6A25B42CC8CCE57EC40F",
//text message for type "chat" or link to download the file for "ptt", "image", "audio" and "document"
"body": "Ok!",
//type of the message - "chat" - text, "image" - image, "ptt" - voice, "document" - text document, "audio" - audio file, "call_log" - call
"type": "chat",
//Sender name
"senderName": "Ilya",
//true - outgoing, false - incoming
"fromMe": true,
//Author ID of the message, useful for groups
"author": "[email protected]",
//send time, unix timestamp
"time": 1504208593,
//chat ID
"chatId": "[email protected]",
//sequence number of the message in the database
"messageNumber": 100
}, {
"ack": [{//message delivered
"id": "[email protected]_DF38E6A25B42CC8CCE57EC40F",
"queueNumber": 100
"chatId": "[email protected]",
"status": "delivered",
},{//message viewed
"id": "[email protected]_DF38E6A25B42CC8CCE57EC40F",
"queueNumber": 100
"chatId": "[email protected]",
"status": "viewed",
}, {
Returns current webhook url.
"set": true,
"webhookUrl": "https://requestb.in/1f9aj261"
Turn on/off ack (message delivered and message viewed) notifications in webhooks. GET method works for the same address.
ackNotificationsOn | 1 (true) or 0 (false) . |
Logout from messengers Web to get new QR code.
"result": "Logout request sent to messengers"
Reboot your messengers instance.
"success": true
Get outbound messages queue.
"chatId":"[email protected]",
Clear outbound messages queue. This method is needed when you accidentally sent thousands of messages in a row.
"message":"Cleared 2 messages",
"Hello world",
"Hello world"